Auburn "Classic" Florist

Auburn "Classic" Florist
Auburn, In. 1-260-925-2000

Friday, June 21, 2013

Flowers why---why not!

This is for all of you that consider sending flowers to people you love, wish to acknowledge or care about and the many other reasons to send flowers.
  1. I thank you for using this venue as your way to express your feeling toward them. Not just because I am a florist but because you have Gods beauty inside you. Flowers tell your story of care, compassion and love.
  2. I know that the people you send it to are touched by your show of love towards them even when they say differently.
    1. Even when they say: You shouldn't have.
        1. They really don't mean it and even if they do, YOU wanted to show them how special they are to you---so recipient, STOP allowing these people to express their love and caring to you.
    2. Even when they say: Wasted money.
        1. Money is wasted in many ways but how can money be wasted when that person is telling YOU, yes YOU how much you mean to them?.
    3. Even when they say: Foolishness.
        1. Thank God for foolish people that show how that feel to people. Where would this world be if no one showed that they care.
    4. Even when they say: Money better spent.
        1. Money better spent on what?
          1. Food? Past the lips-gone.
          2. Clothing? Wears out or out grown-gone
          3. All things pass in this world. What a beautiful way to pass it with flowers.
    5. Even when they say: Flowers die.
        1. Of course they do! Be glad for that because God made all kinds of flowers and they are something, that give that sender, THAT MOMENT, to say I love you!
        2. The flowers passing do not diminish love, it enhances it. For that moment (life is just moments) you can see, really see, that you mean something to that person. That you existence, matters to them.  (I received my grandmothers Bible after she passed and inside it were flowers! Not just a flower several different flowers.  I know not whom they came from but I knew she kept them because someone she cared about sent them too her).
So people, please stop and enjoy flowers. You are special!